How to Form a Habit in 21 Days (Day by Day!)

Habit formation is a function of three key criteria:
(1) Level of Commitment
(2) Internal and External Accountability
(3) Size of the Habit

21 Day Habit Formation Plan


Days 1–3

This is where your motivation is at an all-time high. During those days, you go above and beyond to practice your habit. Your habit is your favorite thing in the world at this stage. From here it starts to get challenging.

Days 4–10

Most people quit between 4–10 days. What to do? Look for images, quotes, videos and tell your new “story” in an emotionally captivating language. Your task on days 4 to 10 is to reinforce your goals with the power of imagery. Once you pass the 10 day mark, your habit will become less of a challenge to perform.


Days 11–14

Don’t ease your foot off the gas pedal just yet. Your task on these days is to note what difference this has made to your body and your day. You are 2/3 of the way done. This is a mini-celebration.

Days 15–20

Start marking your calendar for how many days you have left to finish your course. Each day you mark off will make you feel really good about how far you’ve gotten. This is the last 1/3 of the course. Be patient with yourself and try not to get frustrated with the process.


Day 21 and After

By this time, your habit should become part of your daily routine. Your focus from here on should be on the long term benefits of keeping this habit part of your daily routine and what further progress you can make if you continue this habit.